
About Dennis Lauer Photography

I am owner / photographer of Dennis Lauer Photography, I reside in Bellevue, NE. My hobby & career both began (unknowingly) by buying my first “camera phone” in 2007. After exhausting the library, and internet of all the free tutorials I enrolled in (what was then) a mail order course at the New York Institute of Photography. I completed that in a few months. I then enrolled in the Commercial Photography program at Metropolitan Community College (Omaha, NE) and graduated in 2014 with an AAS.

As a free-lance photographer, I have traveled extensively through-out the midwest, and enjoy the travel as much as the work. My client work has been sports, property, food, weddings, and portrait photography. My most notable work was for a company contracted by Grubhub to shoot menu items for the grubhub website. I have, however also shot many large venue marathons, including the “Omaha Marathon” 3 years in a row, and one of the 10 largest 10k’s in the country, the “Bolder Boulder“. Sports has provided most of my income, but I also contracted with 2 property companies. One was a vacation rental property company (think Airbnb), to help with their marketing campaigns, the second contracted me to shoot forclosures, and abanded buildings for cost estimations of renovations.

My real passion however, has always been abstract photography. I truly enjoy creating images that make you think: How did he do that? What does it mean? My favorite however, is when I am asked “what is that?”. For my personnal photography, I can experiment at will. Even with my client work however, I strive to push creativity to the edge whenever possible.

In 2019 I had completely lost interest in photography, and eventually everything else as well. With that came the ability to make a living. I had to sell all of my equipment to make ends meet. In 2021 after increasingly “odd behavior”, I was diagnosed as having a massive brain tumor. It was benign, and removed successfully fortunately, but still caused plenty of hallucinations, and imaginations. I was then told I could have died fairly soon because of seizures. I had my first colonoscopy a few weeks later, where it was discovered I had two separate, and distinct cancerous tumors in my colon. I had surgery to remove most of my colon, but I will require both, a yearly MRI, and (at least for now) a biannual CAT scan for the rest of my life. I will just say that now I am a big believer in both colonoscopies, and cancer research

Most of 2021 was spent recovering, and rehabilitating. Currently, I feel as good as I have in quite a while. I have since repurchased, and upgraded my equipment, and am looking forward to resuming the career I once had.

Thank you for visiting.

Dennis Lauer

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Dennis Lauer Photography